Recirculating Gas for Minimal Gas Consumption

The Mini MIRI® Dry incubator is a two-chamber mini bench top incubator that takes after the classic MIRI® Multiroom incubator. This mini version of the MIRI® is a perfect-fit for IVF laboratories that prioritize on footprint and affordability.

The Mini MIRI® Dry Incubator is a dry IVF bench top incubator that can recirculate gas inside the incubator and is compatible with a VOC/HEPA filtration system unlike other humidified IVF incubators. Gas inserts (whether pure N2 and CO2 or premixed gas) first go through the tri-gas mixing chamber to achieve the set CO2 and O2 gas concentrations by the user and then into the VOC/HEPA filter before entering the incubator chambers.

After this, gas now enters a UV Sterilization (254nm) table before going back to the tri-gas mixing chamber and recirculates the gas. This system ensures that there is minimal gas consumption even with lid openings of the incubator chambers while maintaining the recirculating air clean and safe for the embryo samples.

Data Logger Software

The Mini MIRI® Dry Incubator comes with a data logger software that monitors the temperature, gas concentration, gas input pressure, gas flow rates, and alarms. All real-time parameters can be viewed conveniently in graphs when the Mini MIRI® is connected to a PC and the data logger software can also monitor multiple incubators at the same time. Weekly reports can be exported for the users’ convenience.